The Specialist's Digital Passport
The Specialist’s Passport holds details about their areas of competence, advanced training, professional experience and qualifying examinations.
Project Groups
Customers can assign specialists to project groups that can be moderated. Project budget can be specified for each group. A group chat is automatically created.
The Client'sDigital Passport
The Client’s Passport holds information about the client’s company and feedback from freelancers
Professional Community
The app supports group chats, meetups, and news feed for every professional community.
Participate in arbitration proceeding betweenclients and specialists. Actively involvedin testing of specialists
UMKA is the product of my own experience, my mistakes and the hardships I have been through. I am convinced that this makes the project relevant. At the base of every concept, idea and detail behind the project lies deep understanding of the issues that members of the freelance market face, as well as knowledge of how to solve these issues. I am also absolutely certain that today, a large number of talented and promising young specialists are in need of specific knowledge and skills that are required by employers. We want to give these young specialists the tool that will allow them to receive additional education and look for work. This is the reason why we plan to host quarterly hackatons as a part of the project.
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whitepaper UMKA
light paper
- Q2 2017 >>> Idea and concept development. Development of an interface demo version for internal testing on iOS and Android
- Q3 2017 >>> App testing in target groups
- Q4 2017 >>> Concept follow-on improvement in accordance with new market and technological trends and testing results
- Q1 2018 >>> Platform announcement. Development of prototype based on the improved concept.
- Q2 2018 >> Creation of a working prototype of the mobile app MVP on blockchain, AgileSC integration. Testing of the app in target groups. Advertisement campaign start
- Q3 2018 >> AgileSC follow-on improvement and testing. Blockchain and interface follow-on improvement and development. Mobile and web apps alpha version launch. Open alpha testing of the blockchain and AgileSC. IPFS integration. Implementation of the functionality: project groups. Implementation of the functionality: group chats, professional communities. Hackathon
- Q4 2018 > Beta testing of the mobile app and Blockchain launch. UMK token listing on exchanges. Integration of educational programs. Integration with third-party services. Implementation of the functionality: a digital passport, testing systems, expert arbitration. Adding operation with 7 additional crypto currencies and fiat currencies. Hackathon
UMKA semakin mantap dengan projectnya yang sedang berjalan :D
BalasHapusit's the best project huge